Glamour - The MIMIC, a toys that will make you say “Aww!” and then make you say “Ohhhhh!"

With the forever evolving sex toys emerging in this market, sometimes you need a list that just shows you toys with the "CUTE FACTOR".  

Discreet, Cute and Functional!  wrote the piece, 15 Extremely Cute Sex Toys That Will Make You Say "Aww" where she was able to help supplement your ever growing sex toy collection with the perfect vibrator that is so cute you won't even know they're vibrators!

Our lovely MIMIC made this 15 toy list!

Check out the full article HERE.

"I think there are three factors that are really important that make a good sex toy & that is the texture, the shape and the quality of the motor and the MIMIC+Plus definitely ticks all the boxes."

-Venus O'hara